Build Skills | Have Fun | Live Life

Blue Line Bushcraft not only merges building skills, having fun, and living life but also fosters a sense of self-sufficiency. By teaching practical wilderness skills and fostering a deep connection with nature, Blue Line Bushcraft empowers individuals to confidently navigate the outdoors, rely on their own abilities, and thrive in any environment.

Have Fun

The key to having fun is having skills. With proper skills any activity becomes more fun and therefor more enjoyable.

Build Skills

Explore skills across a variety of topics - camping, survival, UTV overland, cooking, first aid, firearms, and more.

Live Life

Life shouldn't be about work. It should be about family, friendships, and experiences with those people. Work to live - don't live to work.

Meet our Team

In order to bring you the most, we have assembled a group of well rounded individuals who bring experience in many different aspects of professional, personal, and recreational life skills.

Michael Browett


Michael has long loved the outdoors. From his early years and through a 32+ year career in emergency medical services, structural and wildland firefighting, and law enforcement, Michael combines many learned skills to tackle the harshest outdoor environments and challenges.

Contact Us

Find us at the office

25 Caterpillar Court, Sparks, Nevada, USA, 89441

Give us a ring

Michael Browett | 775-223-1457

Contact Us

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